Moving Forward

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Be present minded.

Don’t dwell in past regrets, you can’t change them. Don’t worry about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Make your present the best it can be.

Focus on your breathing. Take some deep breaths and pay attention to the physical sensation of breathing in and out. This can ground you in the moment.

Pay attention to sounds. Notice all the subtle sounds around you, like air conditioning, traffic outside, or your own movements. Let go of analyzing what they are and just listen.

Do a senses check-in. What do you see around you? What textures or surfaces can you feel? This brings awareness to the present rather than being lost in thoughts.

Describe your surroundings in detail. Mentally describe your environment, the shapes, colors, lighting, as if narrating to someone not actually there.

Focus fully on what you are doing. Don't just rush through on auto-pilot.

Ask "What's happening right now?" throughout the day to redirect your thinking to the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or future.

Try mindfulness meditation. Sit quietly, eyes closed, fully noticing any sights, sounds, or sensations without judging them. Even 5 minutes can reset you to be more present-minded.

Go for mindful walks. Leave your phone and music behind and use the walk to practice paying attention to your moment-to-moment sensory experience.

Consistency is key. Making efforts to continually draw yourself into full engagement with your immediate environment will help train your brain to stay focused on the now. Be patient and kind with yourself in the process.