Defeat Your Inner Critic

Challenging negative thoughts is a key strategy in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Here's an effective way we can do it:

  1. Identify the negative thought: When you notice a negative thought, write it down or mentally note it.

  2. Examine the evidence: Ask yourself if any real evidence supports the thought. Look for concrete facts, not just feelings or assumptions.

  3. Consider alternative explanations: Brainstorm other ways of interpreting the situation. Are there any more balanced or positive perspectives?

  4. Evaluate the consequences: Reflect on how negative thoughts make you feel and behave. Is it helpful or harmful?

  5. Develop a more balanced thought: Based on the evidence and alternative explanations, create a more realistic and positive thought to replace the negative one.


  • Negative thought: "I'm a failure because I made a mistake at work."

  • Evidence: "I've succeeded at many tasks before this, and my boss has complimented my work."

  • Alternative explanation: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. It doesn't define my overall competence."

  • Consequences: "Thinking I'm a failure makes me feel discouraged and less motivated to improve."

  • Balanced thought: "Making a mistake doesn't make me a failure. I can learn from it and continue to grow in my role."

With practice, challenging negative thoughts can become more automatic, helping to improve your overall mood and resilience.

Randy Herbertson

The Visual Brand (TVB) is a Metro New York based brand innovation studio, the second generation of a successful NYC based studio founded by branding veteran Randy Herbertson. TVB works with leading and emerging local, national and international brands and companies in well-established practice areas including insight development and brand and messaging foundation, and full service design from packaging, motion design, industrial and environmental design to print, video/tv and digital. Grown in the digital era, TVB leverages and builds on leading edge technology across its practice areas. TVB has a multinational presence and native bi-lingual capabilities with a close partnership in Latin America.

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