Moving Forward

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Learn to learn.

Now more than ever, learning to learn is the most important skill we ever need to acquire. With the pace of technological and societal change accelerating, the specific skills and knowledge we acquire today may become obsolete in just a few years. However, if we can develop metacognitive skills and habits that allow us to continuously learn and adapt, we can thrive even as the world transforms around us.

Some key aspects of learning to learn include:

  1. Developing a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset

  2. Taking responsibility for our own education

  3. Learning how to ask good questions, and be an active listener (a recurring theme!)

  4. Cultivating grit and resilience in the face of challenges,

  5. Consider lifelong learning as our goal

  6. Reflecting on our own learning process to identify the strengths and weaknesses of how we do so

Overall, being intentional about understanding our own learning process, continuing to learn new skills, and adapting to change will be vitally important in the 21st-century job market and in life in general. Focusing on learning to learn prepares us to navigate an uncertain future successfully.