Moving Forward

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Meditation is our most powerful productivity tool

Meditation can take many forms, lengths and times of day to practice; it is a very personal choice that we often land on by trying different versions until we land on the one that works best for our lifestyle. But regardless of what it choose, the impact can be felt almost immediately. Here are some ways that developing our own daily meditation practice can improve our productivity:

1. Improves our focus and concentration. Meditation trains our minds to stay focused on one thing at a time instead of constantly multitasking. This helps us be more present with each task throughout the day.

2. Boosts our self-discipline. Building the habit of sitting to meditate every day reinforces our self-discipline muscle to stick to habits. This supports our getting tasks done rather than procrastinating.

3. Encourages our prioritization. The mental clarity gained through meditation can help us discern which tasks are truly the most important ones for us to focus on. Saying "no" becomes easier too.

4. Reduces our stress. Mental and physical tension decreases with our regular meditation practice. This allows us to come at our daily tasks feeling calmer, with a clearer headspace.

5. Sparks our creativity. By giving our analytical left-brains a rest during meditation, creative thinking and problem solving often become more accessible to us. New ideas and solutions can flow better when we return to work.

6. Improves our sleep. Meditating promotes relaxation which enables our falling asleep faster at night. Getting enough good quality sleep ensures we start each day energized and restored for peak performance.

We all can find even 5 minutes each day to do it. Why not start now?