What is your emotional thinking DNA?

I’ve written on my theory of defining your creative thinking DNA before, and just realized this framework relates well to the leadership insight of the moment, emotional intelligence. The “fast processor” is inspirational, but not a good listener by nature. When the latter skill is learned, it is a potent combination that can make original ideas even bigger, and shared. The “considered processor” listens well, but is often a loner in their idea building. When they learn to let others into their “bottom up” ideation, it not only may get faster and richer, it will be shared. A shared idea has a bigger inertia, and more minds and hands to bring it to reality. Applying emotional intelligence starts with the acts of listening and sharing, and gains real momentum with co-ideas are truly valued and integrated. Truly a 1+1=3.

Randy Herbertson

The Visual Brand (TVB) is a Metro New York based brand innovation studio, the second generation of a successful NYC based studio founded by branding veteran Randy Herbertson. TVB works with leading and emerging local, national and international brands and companies in well-established practice areas including insight development and brand and messaging foundation, and full service design from packaging, motion design, industrial and environmental design to print, video/tv and digital. Grown in the digital era, TVB leverages and builds on leading edge technology across its practice areas. TVB has a multinational presence and native bi-lingual capabilities with a close partnership in Latin America.


Not where, but how you work


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