Moving Forward

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Start from zero.

We all usually tell people we are “busy”; underneath this can be a feeling of overwhelm as we juggle, and evaluate priorities each day. How do we put a “zero-based commitment strategy” into practice.?

We aim to approach major commitments and investments from a baseline of zero. Rather than assume certain projects or relationships will continue indefinitely, we start by questioning whether they are still worthwhile. We ask ourselves - if we did not already have this commitment on the books, knowing what we know now, would we take it on today?

When reviewing existing commitments, we do not take their renewal as a given. We put the onus on justifying their continued importance and value. We force ourselves to make the case for why limited resources should be allocated there rather than to a new opportunity.

Across our organization and lives, we cultivate this zero-based mentality. We push back against legacy inertia and the tendency to simply renew. We require that every major investment regularly prove its worth. This keeps us focused on intentionality - making deliberate choices guided by current needs and priorities rather than historical accident.

Adopting this zero-based approach means we methodically reallocate time, money, and attention to our most promising ventures. We are willing to sunset that which no longer sparks joy or serves our strategy, creating openings for new growth. Practicing zero-base commitment management gives us flexibility and ensures our limited reserves are channeled toward what matters most right now. By perpetually reevaluating, we tilt our lens to the future rather than the past.