Moving Forward

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Micro-acts build mental health.

Acts of kindness are sometimes a treat for others and others for ourselves. Here are a few ways that micro-acts can improve our emotional well-being:

  • Expressing gratitude - Even a quick "thank you" to someone can boost your mood and strengthen relationships. Making a habit of expressing gratitude for even small things can, over time, increase happiness.

  • Acting kindly - Doing something nice for someone else, like holding the door or giving a compliment, increases positive feelings. Small acts of kindness help create connections and improve your mood.

  • Practicing mindfulness - Taking even a minute or two to pay attention to the present moment, your breathing, your senses or thoughts without judgment can reduce stress and bring calm. Regular mindfulness in micro-doses builds resilience.

  • Reframing thoughts - Catching a negative thought and consciously shifting perspective to a more positive interpretation interrupts patterns of rumination and worry. Over time this builds optimism.

  • Taking a pause - Whether it's stopping to smell flowers or just taking a few deep breaths, pushing the pause button allows the mind and body to reset. Mini resets prevent burnout.

  • Checking in - Taking stock of your emotions periodically during the day makes you more aware of feelings and gives you a chance to adjust them. Quick check-ins can nip stress and anxiety in the bud.

The key to success is to build small positive actions and pauses into our normal day; we will actively cultivate more positive emotions and greater emotional agility over time. Micro-acts are simple but powerful ways to boost wellbeing.